Thursday, March 1, 2018

High-speed Issues

   If you follow me on social media, you may have heard me mention that I haven't had any high-speed data for the entire month of February. Look, I'm broke and currently only have a plan that allows for 5GB of data each month. Literally just over 24 hours into renewing my plan on the 2nd day of February, I got a low data warning and the next thing I knew, it was gone. I called AT&T and found out that an app that I had on my phone had been running in the background and had somehow used 4.8 of the 5GB within basically one day! What?! How?!

   Anyhoo... As you probably know, I just started this blog. I had already went in even though my computer had fried, so I don't currently have my own, and now this. If you don't already know, it's virtually impossible to run a blog from a phone. I'm not saying that it's technically impossible, but it's insanely difficult. Right this second, I have a screen that is only capable of showing about three or four words at a time. Not to mention how hard it is to check spelling and grammar! I know a blogger that had these same issues for a minute and would go to the library to use a public computer. Great option, but the problem is that I don't have a license and I live about ten miles from the closest library. Ugh.

   I just wanted to touch base because it has been a week since my last post, and I was in the middle of a 'series' on product reviewing and how/where to get started if reviewing is something that you are interested in. I have been going to my home of homes, my dad's, to publish my posts but haven't been able to get there this week. So this is being posted from my phone, and not just any phone, but a $20 prepaid phone that doesn't even have a flash (something else you may have already heard me talk about)! I like posting pictures for you to keep it a bit more interesting, which is something else I can't do today. Bummer.

   I do have a very old miniature laptop that takes forever to do anything on and the battery is constantly at 2% no matter what, but I have been writing and saving posts to Word on it so that I can catch up. This weekend, when I get to a computer, I'll be making up for the lack of posts!

   I also haven't had any comments yet, but have had almost 100 views. I really would love to hear from you (even if you don't necessarily plan to be a regular visitor) and what you want to hear about! Also, have you signed up for any of the WOM sites that I have told you about? Yes, there will be a new post up this weekend that picks up where I left off as far as that is concerned.

   So forgive me for the mess that this post may be, and forgive me for not posting in a week. I already love this so much, and it is something that I've been wanting to do for years. I truly appreciate those of you that have been reading, and I hope you stick around because I promise you that things are going to get so much better!

   As always, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter, if you're not already. You can find my handles on the homepage. If you read my post about the makeup that I bought from Amazon, I posted some videos on Instagram showing and discussing them. In case you are on a device that doesn't show my @s, I'll post them down below. Also, please leave me some comments and let me know what you're interested in reading or learning about!

Twitter 🐦
Instagram 📷

   *Now, let's see how or if I can get this posted without high-speed 🙏
(Depending on how this works out, I may go ahead and put up another post)

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